Volunteer Request – Clearing Dead Weeds & Brush in Back of District Hangars, Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Volunteer Request – Clearing Dead Weeds & Brush in Back of District Hangars, Tuesday, June 29 at 6:00am to about 8:00am.
Out next work party is an exciting opportunity this coming Tuesday to help clear mostly dead weeds and brush in back of the district owned hangars! Starting at 6:00am in cool weather and done about 8:00am before it starts to get hot.
BOYC (Bring Your Own Coffee), donuts will be supplied. Also bring water!
Most of the weeds and brush are dead, very dry and a fire concern. Plan is to use the weed trimmers and rake up the debris, take them a short distance to a pickup bed or trailer and haul it out to the North end of the airport into a burn piles, for eventual burning.
If there is time and before it gets hot, we will also clear weeds around the AWOS tower and fuel shed.
Physical tasks can involve operating a weed trimmer, raking, bending down and scoping up debris and carrying it over to deposit it in a trailer or pickup. You will be working in about four to six feet wide space between the back or side of a hangar and fence or up slope, and the apron. See photos.
This an early start, but what a great way to start your day!
Your help is needed to make positive difference!
Please reply to manager@cameronparkairport.org if you will be helping out.
Thanks for supporting your airport!