Perpetually Under Construction!
Legacy knowledge of the airport and the airpark is beinginng to fade! Please forward any airport history, information or pictures you have to the Office by clicking HERE

1963 - The airport and airpark are anchoring features of the Cameron Park planned development project along with the El Dorado Royale Golf Course and Equestrian Estates.
1967 - Dorado Estates deeds the airport to El Dorado County
1987 - On November 17, 1987 a Special Election by mail-in ballot was conducted to determine whether to form the airport district (CPAD). Appointees for the initial five director seats were Richard Tatti, Marilyn Anderson, Roy Nelson, Van Foster and Richard Johnson.
1987 - El Dorado County deeds the airport to the newly formed Cameron Park Airport District
1998 - CPAD acquires the Sierra Aircraft & Supply from long-time O61 enthusiasts and supports, the Plummers. The acquired property formed the CPAD hangar, fuel and office complex.